Employees’ Knowledge of Corporate Social Responsibility Concept and Activities: The Case Study of Frauenthal Automotive Toruń
corporate social responsibility, CSR, employees’ CSR knowledge, good practices, ethics, ethical behaviour, corporate social responsibility towards employees and other stakeholdersAbstract
The aim of the paper is to investigate the level of employees’ knowledge of socially responsible activities and CSR approach in Frauenthal Automotive Toruń (FTO), one of the local companies, which tries to be socially responsible for all of its stakeholders. The reason of conducting the study is a desire of verification if employees understand and know about company’s CSR projects. In order to achieve the aim of the paper, the follow-ing objectives have been set: (1) to discuss various approaches to define corporate social responsibility (CSR); (2) to present the possible types of socially responsible activities towards employ-ees; (3) to measure and analyse whether FTO employees know the concepts of CSR, sustainable development, stakeholders and how they perceive the ideas of corporate social responsibility in the environment they work in. The analysis is based on the findings from the questionnaire survey in FTO operating in Toruń, Poland. FTO is selected as the unit where the survey is conducted due to its socially responsible approach to employees, what is confirmed by previous studies.
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