Biota of lichens on the Zadroże Dune and its immediate surroundings
lichens, dry sand grasslands, eutrophication, ToruńAbstract
The present paper aims at describing the biota of lichens of the Zadroże Dune and its adjacent area in Toruń. The research on lichens was conducted during the years 2005-2006. The data on lichens come from my own research and literature. Altogether, the occurrence of 82 lichen taxa was recorded in the investigated area, including 74 species recorded during my own research. Due to the availability of habitats and substrata, terricolous species dominate here, mainly from the genus Cladonia and Cetraria. Particularly noteworthy are rare, endangered and protected species from this area e.g. Peltigera canina, Polyblastia agraria, Rinodina conradii and Stereocaulon condensatumReferences
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