An attempt at modelling the periphyton dynamics with artificial neural networks exemplified by the oxbow lake reopening study (The Słupia River, Northern Poland)
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), periphyton dynamics and density, oxbow lake reopening, ecoengineering, artificial substrate, PomeraniaAbstract
An experiment was performed in the Osokowy Staw oxbow lake (the Słupia River, northern Poland). The old riverbed was reconnected with the riverine system and periphyton communities on nylon artificial substrate were surveyed before and after engineering works. Then, ANN (Artificial Neural Network) architectures were designed and trained in order to create models of interactions between 18 macrozooperiphyton, microzooperiphyton and phytoperiphyton taxa in the changing ecosystem. Calculations were performed using StatSoft Software Statistica 6.1 with the implemented neural network module.
Neural network models allowed a quantitative insight into periphyton dynamics and indicated trophic relationships, both predatoryprey and competitive. Thus, we see ANN as a good technique for modelling multidimensional, nonlinear relations between epiphytic organisms and as a promising method for creating overall models.
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