The effectiveness of asexual and sexual reproduction in clonal species Dianthus superbus L. in different site conditions – the consequences for population development
above-ground unit, generative propagation, ramet cluster, seedling recruitment, vegetative multiplicationAbstract
The effectiveness of asexual and sexual reproduction of rare, clonal species Dianthus superbus L. were conducted in the years 2008-2010 in Kostrze (Southern Kraków). The observations were carried out in Molinietum caeruleae patches dominated by small species creating delicate, erect or procumbent stems (MC), prevailed by tall grasses (GR), and overgrown by willows (SA). The number of above-ground units per ramet cluster were much greater in MC patch, than in sites GR and SA. Controversially, the number of fruit per generative shoot and seed production were greater in GR and SA patches, than in MC patch. The highest seedling recruitment, occurring only in artificially created gaps in plant canopy and litter was noted in patch MC, while the decline of genet emergence were found in SA and GR patches.
In light of performed studies, it should be concluded, that population established in patch dominated by small meadow species has the greatest chance for survival, whereas populations inhabiting sites prevailed by tall grasses or overgrown by willows have much lower possibilities of persistence in occupied placesReferences
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