Density and distribution of the greater mole rat (Spalax microphthalmus) on the northern border of the area in a region of European Russia
subterranean mammals, mound, relative abundance, rodent, Republic of MordoviaAbstract
There are few subterranean mammals in Russia. The aim of the paper is to study the distribution and abundance of greater mole rat in the local population. The characteristic of the local population of the greater mole rat (Spalax microphthalmus) on the northern border of the range with reference to geographical coordinates is given. Our research has been conducted in Republic of Mordovia (European Russia). The field studies were carried out in 2007-2019. The population density in Mordovia is from 2 to 6 individuals/ha. The number of greater mole rat is estimated at 190 individuals. There are 27 to 200 mounds per one hectare of registered area. The distance of the greater mole rat habitat in Mordovia is from 40 to 372 km from other populations of neighboring regions. It is revealed that animals in the region are confined to pastures and dacha areas. The population density of subterranean rodent populations, such as mole rats, is in equilibrium with the capacity of the environment in which they live. The results on the population density and the number of greater mole rats on the northern border of the species range indicate the oppression of the local population.References
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