Relation between boundaries of protected areas and the distribution of vulnerable natural habitats – a case study from Sharri National Park, SE Europe
EUNIS, habitat disturbance, Kosovo, nature conservation, phytosociology, diversityAbstract
A growing threat to areas designed to protect habitats with high biodiversity has been noticed. In order to assess the present level of threat, the correlation between the factual situation of natural habitats and the boundary of protected area was studied in the massif of Luboten, Sharri NP. 45 phytosociological relevès were made in the studied site, all habitat types were recorded and notes on presence of rare and endemic plant taxa were taken. It was noticed that within the massif of Luboten, Sharri NP, an endangered natural habitat of subalpine moist tall herbs is not covered within the strictly protected area. The Moesian hogweed tall herb communities with Cirsium appendiculatum Griseb., as the most distinctive plant species, are known to harbor several endemic and rare plant species. To further add conservation importance, in these habitats with narrow distribution and fragile environment, there is one South-European Orophilous plant species (Willemetia stipitata), as well as 12 Balkan endemic plant taxa. The corresponding recorded plant association is Doronico gigantei-Cirsietum appendiculati Horv. ex Quez. Based on the obtained data on the situation of this habitat, we highly suggest extending the strictly protected area for 0.56 km2 into the NW direction of the western slope.References
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