Pressures and impacts on structure, functioning and services in marine, terrestrial, and transitional ecosystems
Goal of the special issue - Given this premise, the special issue will gather theoretical, methodological, and applied papers focusing on the assessment of pressures and impacts on structure, functioning and services in marine, terrestrial, and transitional ecosystems
Bevilacqua, S., Samsa, C., Terlizzi, A., 2020. The impact assessment of thermal pollution on subtidal sessile assemblages: a case study from Mediterranean rocky reefs. Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-24.
Blasi, C., Capotorti, G., Alós Ortí, M. M., Anzellotti, I., Attorre, F., Azzella, M. M., et al., 2017. Ecosystem mapping for the implementation of the european biodiversity strategy at the national level: The case of Italy. Environmental Science and Policy, 78, 173-184.
Buonocore, E., Picone, F., Russo, G.F., Franzese, P.P., 2018. The scientific research on Natural Capital: A bibliometric network analysis. J. Environ. Account. Manag. 6, 381-391.
Buonocore, E., Picone, F., Donnarumma, L., Russo, G.F., Franzese, P.P., 2019. Modeling matter and energy flows in marine ecosystems using emergy and eco-exergy methods to account for natural capital value. Ecol. Modell. 392, 137-146.
Buonocore, E., Appolloni, L., Russo, G.F., Franzese, P.P., 2020a. Assessing natural capital value in marine ecosystems through an environmental accounting model: A case study in Southern Italy. Ecological Modelling, 419, 108958.
Buonocore, E., Donnarumma, L., Appolloni, L., Miccio, A., Russo, G.F., Franzese, P.P., 2020b. Marine natural capital and ecosystem services: An environmental accounting model. Ecological Modelling, 424, 109029.
Buonocore, E., Russo, G.F., Franzese P.P., 2020c. Assessing natural capital value in the network of Italian marine protected areas: a comparative approach. Ecological Questions 31 (4), 1-17.
Cardinale, B., Duffy, J., Gonzalez, A. et al., 2012. Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity. Nature 486, 59-67.
De Marco, A., Proietti, C., Anav, A., Ciancarella, L., D'Elia, I., Fares, S., et al., 2019. Impacts of air pollution on human and ecosystem health, and implications for the national emission ceilings directive: Insights from italy. Environment International, 125, 320-333.
Donnarumma, L., Sandulli, R., Appolloni, L., Ferrigno, F., Rendina, F., Di Stefano, F., Russo G.F., 2020. Bathymetrical and temporal variations in soft-bottom molluscan assemblages in the coastal area facing the Sarno River mouth (Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Naples). Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-20.
Folke, C., 2006. Resilience: The emergence of a perspective for social-ecological systems analyses. Glob. Environ. Chang. 16, 253-267.
Franzese, P.P., Russo, G.F., Ulgiati, S., 2008. Modelling the interplay of environment, economy and resources in Marine Protected Areas. A case study in Southern Italy. Ecological Questions 10, 91-97.
Franzese, P.P., Buonocore, E., Paoli, C., Massa, F., Stefano, D., Fanciulli, G., et al., 2015. Environmental Accounting in Marine Protected Areas: the EAMPA Project. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 3(4), 324-332.
Franzese, P.P., Buonocore, E., Donnarumma, L., Russo, G.F., 2017. Natural capital accounting in marine protected areas: The case of the Islands of Ventotene and S. Stefano (Central Italy). Ecol. Modell. 360, 290-299.
Franzese, P.P., Maisto, G., Mangoni, O., Buonocore, E., 2018. Foreword: Biodiversity, ecosystems, and global change. Ecological Questions, 29(3).
Franzese, P. P., Manes, F., Scardi, M., Riccio, A., 2020. Modelling matter and energy flows in the biosphere and human economy. Ecological Modelling, 422, 108984.
Galychyn, O., Buonocore, E., Franzese, P.P., 2020. Exploring the global scientific literature on urban metabolism. Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-16.
Häyhä T., Franzese P.P., 2014. Ecosystem services assessment: A review under an ecological-economic and systems perspective. Ecological Modelling 289, 124-132.
Mangoni, O., Bolinesi, F., Saggiomo,V., Saggiomo M., 2020. Photosynthetic rate and size structure of the phytoplankton community in transitional waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-15.
Marando, F., Salvatori, E., Sebastiani, A., Fusaro, L., Manes, F., 2019. Regulating ecosystem services and green infrastructure: Assessment of urban heat island effect mitigation in the municipality of Rome, Italy. Ecological Modelling, 392, 92-102.
Martínez-Crego, B., Vizzini, S., Califano, G., Massa-Gallucci, A., Andolina, C., Gambi, M. C., Santos, R., 2020. Resistance of seagrass habitats to ocean acidification via altered interactions in a tri-trophic chain. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
Pauna, V.H., Picone, F., Le Guyader, G., Buonocore, E., Franzese, P.P., 2018. The scientific research on ecosystem services: A bibliometric analysis. Ecol. Quest. 29, 1.
Pauna, V.H., Buonocore, E., Renzi, M., Russo, G.F., Franzese, P.P., 2019. The issue of microplastics in marine ecosystems: A bibliometric network analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 149, 110612.
Pepi, M., Leonzio, C., Focardi, S.E., Renzi, M., 2020. Production of methylmercury by sulphate-reducing bacteria in sediments from the orbetello lagoon in presence of high macroalgal loads. Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-31.
Picone, F., Buonocore, E., D'Agostaro, R., Donati, S., Chemello, R., Franzese, P. P., 2017. Integrating natural capital assessment and marine spatial planning: A case study in the Mediterranean sea. Ecological Modelling, 361, 1-13.
Picone, F., Buonocore, E., Claudet, J., Chemello, R., Russo, G.F., Franzese, P.P., 2020. Marine protected areas overall success evaluation (MOSE): A novel integrated framework for assessing management performance and social-ecological benefits of MPAs. Ocean Coast. Manag. 198, 105370.
Potschin-Young, M., Haines-Young, R., Görg, C., Heink, U., Jax, K., Schleyer, C., 2018. Understanding the role of conceptual frameworks: Reading the ecosystem service cascade. Ecosystem Services, 29, Part C, 428-440.
Rendina, F., Ferrigno, F., Appolloni, L., Donnarumma, L., Sandulli, R., Russo, G.F., 2020. Anthropic pressure due to lost fishing gears and marine litter on different rhodolith beds off the Campania Coast (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-17.
Signa, G., Andolina, C., Mazzola, A., Vizzini, S., 2020. Macroalgae transplant to detect the occurrence of anthropogenic nutrients in seawater of highly tourist beaches in Mediterranean islands. Ecological Questions 31(4), 1-23.
Skaf, L., Buonocore, E., Dumontet, S., Capone, R., Franzese, P. P., 2020. Applying network analysis to explore the global scientific literature on food security. Ecological Informatics, 56, 101062.
Skaf, L., Buonocore, E., Dumontet, S., Capone, R., Franzese, P. P., 2019. Food security and sustainable agriculture in Lebanon: An environmental accounting framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, 1025-1032.
Smith, A.C., Harrison, P.A., Soba, M.P., Archaux, F., Blicharska, M., Egoh, B.N., 2017. How natural capital delivers ecosystem services: A typology derived from a systematic review. Ecosystem services 26, 111-126.
Ulgiati S., Ascione M., Bargigli S., Cherubini F., Federici M., Franzese P.P., et al., 2010. Multi-Method and Multi-Scale analysis of energy and resource conversion and use. In: Barbir, F. and Ulgiati, S. (Eds.), Energy Options Impacts on Regional Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – C: Environmental Security, pp. 1-36, Springer. (ISBN: 978-90-481-9567-1; ISSN 1874-6519).
Vihervaara, P., Franzese, P.P., Buonocore, E., 2019. Information, energy, and eco-exergy as indicators of ecosystem complexity. Ecological Modelling 395, 23-27.
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