Medical-geographical and radiological aspects of the system “environment - population health”
environment, medical-geographical research, medical-ecological risks, perception, contamination with radionuclides.Abstract
The article is devoted to the problems of study of medical and ecological risks of the territory taking into account the state of the environment.
At present, the study of health and environmental risks inUkraineand its regions is relevant today, given the current demographic situation and the dynamics of morbidity among the population. In connection with this, geographic studies of the medical and environmental risks of the territory acquire special significance.
The research uses general scientific methods, among them traditional (synthesis, analysis, comparisons, methods of induction, deduction, observation, abstraction, generalization) and modern (system analysis and synthesis). The most commonly used and universal is the systematic method, since medical and geographical research is inherently complex.
In determining the medical-ecological risk of the territory among a complex of natural indicators and anthropogenic factors of environmental impact, we included a specific violation of the quality of the environment in the north of the Rivne Oblast after theChernobyldisaster.
The results of the study suggest a high correlation between soil contamination by radionuclides of territories (especially the northern ones) in the Eastern part of the Southwest region ofUkraineand the incidence of endocrine diseases in the regions concerned.
The theoretical value of the obtained results is to deepen theoretical knowledge about the existing interconnections in the system “environment - health of the population”.
The practical value of the results of the study is to apply the method of express assessment of the medical and geographical condition of the territory for the development of plans for the development of the region in accordance with the minimization of health and environmental risks for the population.
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