The nature and detection of unauthorized waste dump sites using remote sensing
carbon-containing organic material, searching renewable energy sourceAbstract
Now a day’s waste disposal has become a massive tricky for environmentalist, as it is responsible for a various issue such as sanitary hygienic, ecological security, illegal dumps, lack of paved or asphalt access roads to the landfill, inadequate treatment facilities and low efficiency of public services of waste management. In the present study, we have discussed the detection of unauthorized dumps of municipal solid waste being potential raw materials for biofuel obtaining. The aim of the study is to investigate the possibility of using wide access data of remote sensing of Earth and geographic information technologies for operative detection of unauthorized waste dumps for the further extraction of waste from the environment to turn them into biofuel. The topicality of the study is substantiated with the complexity of detection of unauthorized waste dumps due to their multiplicity adjoined with unknown geographic and temporary dislocation. The universal classification of the image does not allow detecting unauthorized waste dumps and determining whether these wastes may be the source of potential raw materials for biofuel obtaining. The research results show that the developed specialized model based on the exclusion of the low hazard dumpsites allows distinguishing dump areas enriched with carbon-containing materials.References
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