Risks posed by Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden in the Rivne region
invasive species, Rivne region, uncontrolled spread, quarantine status, safe methods of controlAbstract
Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden of Caucasian origin is the most dangerous plant for the environment, geosystems, farming
and public health. The sap of H. sosnowskyi, its pollen, scent and even dew are dangerous for human health and cause chemical burns, allergic reactions and even deaths. Works on the negative impact of the H. sosnowskyi spread have been published in Ukraine only recently. A more detailed study of H. sosnowskyi is possible only through inspections of each region in Ukraine, which would allow to predict the intensity, rate, frequency and area of phytocoenotic changes, as well as to provide data for cartograms. In the Rivne region, H. sosnowskyi overcomes geographical, ecological, reproductive and coenotic barriers, forms a large number of offspring,
massively and rapidly spreads over considerable distances of the studied territory, establishing in anthropogenic and natural coenoses. The dense river network, sufficient moisture, mild climate and the decline of agriculture have created favourable conditions for the spread of H. sosnowskyi.
Populations of H. sosnowskyi in the Rivne region have an uneven distribution. The southern part of the oblast has the highest concentration of H. sosnowskyi populations was not found in only three northern districts of the Rivne region. This can be explained by the poor quality of soil. In the central
part of the region, the highest concentration of H. sosnowskyi populations was found in the southern and western parts of the city of Rivne. The presence of a large number of springs, rivers and the relief of the Rivne region does not allow the use of chemical plant control methods, as this can lead to significant contamination with herbicides. The most effective method is systematic cutting of shoots prior to flowering and trimming at the root collar.
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