Differentiation and preservation status of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance in areas covered by the agri-environmental scheme
differentiation of plant communities, disturbances of habitat, habitat conservation status, indicators, monitoring, Natura 2000, rural areasAbstract
The research subject is the differentiation of plant communities and the preservation status of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance at sites included in subsidy packages 4 and 5 of the agri-environmental scheme. The habitat was studied on 697 agri-environmental plots located in different areas of Poland. The obtained results show high differentiation of the plant communities, which could be considered as representative of the Calthion palustris alliance meadows in Poland. Disturbances in the habitat conditions were observed on most of the plots and they included: disappearance of characteristic species of the Calthion palustris alliance, encroachment of native, expansive species as well as desiccation of the habitat and the associated eutrophication, caused mostly by unidirectional land drainage systems. The study also attempted to determine the conservation prospects of the habitat considering measures implemented under the agri-environmental scheme.
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