Implementation of sustainable development on the example of the concept of eco-city
eco-city, sustainable development, urban sustainable development, eco-urbanism, eco-architecture, eco-aesthetics, ecological infrastructure, industrial ecologyAbstract
The paper is to present the issue of implementation of sustainable development on the example of eco-city. It highlights the complexity and multi-faceted nature of the phenomenon and notion of eco-city within its different aspects. This issue is discussed in an interdisciplinary manner and combines humanistic and scientific approaches. Hence, the authors of the above text aimed to characterise sustainable development from the theoretical as well as practical perspective. Therefore this paper has two main objectives. The first objective is to analyze the concept of eco-city and guidelines for eco-city development based on the concept of sustainability. The second objective of the paper is to compare assumptions of the concept with contemporary eco-city projects. Whilst the former includes the vision, beginnings and development of eco-cities, the latter is based on the results of the analysis of 8 different eco-city projects.
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