Population structure and spatial patterns of trees in successional stages of tropical forest in Gia Lai, Vietnam
Kon Ka Kinh, old-growth, regeneration biodiversity, multivariate analysisAbstract
Regeneration will determine the success of forest restoration and affect the sustainability of future forest ecosystems. Research has been conducted to evaluate the characteristics of the regeneration storey and their spatial distribution on the ground. The study has established 10 plots (100 m x 100 m) for secondary forests, 10 plots for old-growth forests. Sub-plots (2 m x 2 m) were set up systemically to investigate the regeneration. The results showed that 148 species in secondary forest and 130 species in old-growth forest were found. The number of families in the secondary forest was lower than in the old-growth forest by 3 families. The Simpson index of both forest states was high (0.9769 and 0.9799 respectively). Canonical correspondence analysis exposed that species composition of both species and families between the two types of stages was significant dissimilar. There were clear groups of species and families appeared together with similar frequency in plots proved by hierarchical classification. In both stages, the height frequency distribution was inverse-J shape forms. And these distributions were different in studied types. The good regeneration in two studies states of forests were 67.9% and 55.7%. Regeneration quality was significant associated with height and light classes. The number of regenerating trees generated in each 1-hectare plot of the secondary forest was almost twice that of the old-growth forest. In the secondary forest, most plots illustrated that the spatial pattern was random at all scales. Contrary, in the old-growth forest, the patterns were much more complicated.
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