A landscape in turmoil: characterizing the multi-decadal growth trajectory of brackishwater aquaculture in Medinipur Coastal Plain, India
abandoned shrimp-farm, CA-ANN modelling, coastal aquafarming, hotspots, land engulfment, spatial clusteringAbstract
The spatio-temporal growth trajectory of coastal brackishwater aquaculture (CBA) in the coastal tracts of Purba Medinipur, India and its impending repercussions on the immediate environs, was primarily assessed in this study through application of geostatistics, landscape metrics, and geospatial technologies. Three Community Development (CD) Blocks, namely, Contai-I, Deshapran, and Ramnagar-II were considered to analyze the growth pattern of the area under CBA. Landsat datasets of the assessment years (1991, 2001, 2011, 2021, and 2023) were used to prepare the land use/ land cover (LULC) maps and to derive pertinent landscape metrics of patch and class levels for this region. This brought forward a highly fragmented and dispersive spatial concentration of the CBA farms in the entire study area. Additionally, Census Village-wise growth pattern of CBA was analyzed by conducting a spatial autocorrelation analysis which depicted prominent clustering of villages with a higher concentration of CBA. Results showed that there has been an incessant growth of CBA in the last three decades, however, a sharp drop has been recorded owing to recurrent bouts of diseases, swelling production costs, and a sharp drop-in market rate. The nature of growth and/ or decay of the CBA was predicted for the year 2025 using Cellular Automata and Artificial Neural Network (CA-ANN) model. After careful calibration and validation, the model projected further lessening of the CBA area along with a continued expansion of abandoned aquaculture. Accordingly, ecologically viable livelihood alternatives and environmentally sustainable management measures were suggested for the efficient monitoring of these highly fragile tropical ecosystems.
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