Chorology of rare dendroflora of the National Nature Park "Male Polissya" (Ukraine) in zonal comparison
natural zones, national nature parks, local flora, dendrorarity, correlation analysis, geoelementsAbstract
Among scientists of various specialities there is still no unambiguous position about the zone belonging of the Male Polissya region ("Little Polissya", Ukraine). To confirm one of the positions, the authors of the article studied rare protected species of dendroflora of the National Nature Park (NNP) "Male Polissya" (deciduous forest zone) and other national parks that are close to it in the structure of flora and vegetation, and located within this and the northern mixed forest zone (Ukrainian Polissya). Methods of comparative florology have been used with the determination of coefficients of similarity of local floras. The results of chorological analysis, qualitative, quantitative and comparative assessment of rare species of dendromorphic plants of national nature parks in both natural zones have been presented. The analysis of similarity of rare fractions of local dendroflora revealed that the quality of plant species of the National Nature Park "Male Polissya" is more related to the national nature parks of mixed forest zone than to the national nature parks of deciduous forests. Among the national nature parks, deciduous forest zones have the highest levels of representativeness with Daphne cneorum, Hedera helix and Daphne mezereum, and mixed forest zones with Salix myrtilloum, Daphne cneorum, Dianthus psеudosquarrosus and Hedera helix. Therefore, for the national nature parks of both natural zones, the most representative is the species of wide chorological but narrow ecological amplitude, that is Daphne cneorum, which grows only in pale and dry sod-podzolic forestal ecotopes enriched with carbonates.
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