Advancement in Ozone base wastewater treatment technologies: Brief review
ozone, treatment, hospital wastewater, AOP, technology, disinfectionAbstract
Over 70% of the planet's surface is covered by water. A universal solvent, water can dissolve a wide variety of compounds. The majority of water contamination is caused by human activity. Increasing water use and pollution are to blame for the current shortage of fresh water supplies. Population expansion, agricultural runoff, and municipal wastewater are the primary sources of pollution in the river. To conduct the study, the logical chain was developed. For the review, open sources of scientific information were used. The focus was on publications from the last 10 years and at the same time; earlier works were taken into accounts that have useful information for this study, which were identified in the list of references when studying recent sources. The number of sources published earlier than 10 years ago does not exceed 7% of the total number of references. The present study aims to determine the optimum conditions for best removal of contaminants as the review focuses on advancement in Ozonation/AOP technology, different type of methods used for drugs removal and different operating condition. Various modern treatment procedures make extensive use of drinking water treatment plants. Water shortages in countries can be alleviated by implementing some of the recommendations made in the research. More catchment areas need to be developed; strict management policies and guidelines should be implemented. Ozonation can also more effectively remove certain personal care products (PPCPs) from the skin. Recycled water can be disinfected using ozonation, which breaks down ozone in water. When ozone is used in this way, it is an effective parasiticide, germicide, and virucidal agent. It can also remove the chroma compounds, smells, infections, and many micro-pollutants simultaneously. Ozone-based AOP should be studied in the future to see whether it is cost-effective and to see if it consumes more energy than other traditional treatment methods.
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