The economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem in Youtefa bay, Jayapura, Indonesia
total economic value, contingent valuation method, direct use, indirect use, local community, PapuaAbstract
The purpose of this research is understanding about the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem in the area of Youtefa bay, Jayapura, Papua. The data were collected directly by interviews. Data collection was conducted in March until April 2018 inthe area located in three traditional villages around Youtefa bay namely Tobati (46 respondents), Enggros (82 respondents) and Nafri (100 respondents). The methods in this research are contingent valuation method, market price, replacement cost, benefit transfer and willingness to pay. The result of this research shows that total economic value of mangrove ecosystem is about USD 3,715,115.02 year-1 or about USD 15,937.49 ha-1year-1. Nowadays, the communities in the three villages of Youtefa bay get direct use from the mangrove ecosystem are about USD 2,049,419.17 year-1 or USD 3,987.1968 household-1year-1. These direct use are derived from the utilization of mangroves as a supplier of fish, crab, shrimp, shellfish and firewood products. Indirect use of mangroves as coastal protection, prevention of seawater intrusion and carbon sequestration of USD 1,660,163.80 year-1 or USD 7,122.50 ha-1year-1. The option and existence value of mangrove ecosystem are about USD 3,496.80 year-1 and USD 2,035.25 year-1. The conservation effort for the maintaining of mangrove ecosystem are needed to get the high value of the using it and improve the welfare of local communities.
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