O zmienności Hobbesowskiego ujęcia wiedzy społecznej
Scientia Civilis in Classical Rhetoric and in the Early Hobbes, [w:] Political Discourse in Early-Modern Britain, red. N. Phillipson, Q. Skinner, Cambridge 1993, s. 67–93.
T. Hobbes, The Elements of Law Natural and Politics, red. F. Tonnies, London 1969, s. xvi.
De Cive: The Latin Version, red. H. Warrender, Oxford 1983, s. 77–78.
T. Hobbes, O obywatelu, [w:] tenże, Elementy filozofii, przeł. Cz. Znamierowski, Warszawa 1956, t. 2, s. 177–546.
T. Hobbes, Leviathan, or The Matter, Forme, & Power of Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill, red. R. Tuck, Cambridge 1996, rozdz. 18, s. 129.
Q. Skinner, Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes, Cambridge 1996
P. O. Kristeller, Humanism and Scholasticism in the Italia Renaissance, [w:] Renaissance Thought and its Sources, red. M. Money, New York 1979, s. 85–105.
T. W. Baldwin, William Shakespeare’s ‘Small Latine & Lesse Greeke’, t. 1–2, Urbana 1944
K. Charlton, Education in Renaissance England, London 1965
J. Simon, Education and Society in Tudor England, Cambridge 1979
A. Grafton, L. Jardine, From Humanism to the Humanities: Education and the Liberal Arts in Fifteenth-and Sixteenth-Century Europe, London 1986, s. 143–145.
K. W. Percival, Grammar and Rhetoric in the Renaissance, [w:] Renaissance Eloquence, red. J. J. Murphy, Berkeley 1983
H. W. Saunders, A History of the Norwich Grammar School, Norwich 1932, s. 147.
M. Dzelzainis, Milton’s Classical Republicanism, [w:] Milton and Republicanism, red. D. Armitage, A. Himy, Q. Skinner, Cambridge 1995, s. 3–7.
Cyceron, De Inventione, I.II.2, przeł. E. Rykaczewski, Poznań 1879
Cyceron, Rozmowa o mowcy, [w:] Pisma krasomowcze i polityczne Marka Tuliusza Cycerona, przeł. E. Rykaczewski, Poznań 1873
J. E. Seigel, Rhetoric and Philosophy in Renaissance Humanism: the Union of Eloquence and Wisdom, Petrarch to Volta, Princeton 1968
Kwintylian, Kształcenie mowcy, przeł. M. Brożek, Warszawa 2002
H. Warrender, Introduction, [w:] T. Hobbes, De Cive: The Latin Version, red. H. Warrender, London 1983, s. 8–13.
N. Malcolm, Hobbes’s Science of Politics and His Theory of Science, [w:] Hobbes Oggi,
red. A. Napoli, G. Canziani, Milan 1990, s. 145–157.
D. Johnston, The Rhetoric in Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes and the Politics of Cultural Transformation, Princeton 1986, s. 26–65.
Kwintylian, Institutio Oratoria, VI.II.13–19.
Euclid, The Elements of Geometrie, przeł. H. Billingsley, London 1571.
J. Jacquot, H. W. Jones, Introduction [w:] T. Hobbes, Critique du De Mundo de Thomas White, Paris 1973, s. 12–13, 43–45.
Illustrations of the State of the Church During the Great Rebellion, „The Theologian and Ecclesiastic” 1848, nr 6, s. 172.
B. D. Greenslade, The Publication Date of Hobbes’s ‘Leviathan’,„Notes and Queries” 1975, nr 220, s. 310.
R. Tuck, Hobbes, Oxford 1989, s. 28.
D. D. Raphael, Hobbes and Moral Politics, London 1977, s. 13.
A. A. Rogow, Thomas Hobbes: Radical in the Service of Reaction, New York 1986, s. 126.
H. Warrender, The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: His Theory of Obligation, Oxford 1957, s. viii.
J. Hampton, Hobbes and the Social Contract Tradition, Cambridge 1986, s. 5.
D. Baumgold, Hobbes’s Political Theory, Cambridge 1988, s. 3, 11.
F. G. Whelan, Language and its Abuses in Hobbes, [w:] Hobbes Studies, red. K. C. Brown, Oxford 1981, s. 117–139.
J. Barnouw, Persuasion in Hobbes’s ‘Leviathan’, „Hobbes Studies” 1988, nr 1, s. 3–25.
C. Condren, On the Rhetorical Foundations of ‘Leviathan’, „History of Political Thought” 1990, nr 11, s. 703–720
J. Rayner, Hobbes and Rhetoricians, „Hobbes Studies” 1991, nr 4, s. 76–95.
A. Pacchi, Convenzione e Ipostesi nella Formazione della Filosofia Naturale di Thomas Hobbes, Florence 1965, s. 63–69, 97–100, 179–183.
A. M. Battista, Alle Origini del Pensiero Politico Libertino: Montaigne e Charon, Milan 1966, s. 22, 53, 135, 145, 172–175.
Come Giudicano la ‘Politica’ Libertini e Moralisti nnella Francia del Seicento, [w:] Il Liberalismo in Europa, Milan 1980,s. 25–80.
M. Missner, Scepticism and Hobbes’s Political Philosophy, „Journal of the History of Ideas” 1983, nr 44, s. 407–427.
L. T. Sarasohn, The Ethical and Political Philosophy of Pierre Gassendi, „Journal of the History of Philosophy” 1985, nr 20, s. 239–260.
V. Kahn, Rhetoric, Prudence and Skepticism in the Renaissance, Ithaca 1985, s. 154, 181.
R. Tuck, Natural Rights Theories: their Origin and Development, Cambridge 1989, ss. 64, 93, 102.
I. Hampsher-Monk, A History of Modern Political Thought: Major Political Thinkers from Hobbes to Marx, Oxford 1992, s. 4–6.
D. W. Hanson, Science, Prudence, and Folly in Hobbes’s Political Theory, „Political Theory”1993, nr 21, s. 644–645.
R. E. Flathman, Thomas Hobbes: Skepticism, Individuality, and Chastened Politics, London 1993, s. 2–3, 43–47, 51–52.
G. Shapiro, Reading and Writing in the Text of Hobbes’s ‘Leviathan’, „Journal of the History of Philosophy” 1980, nr 18, s. 157.
C. Cantalupo, Literary Leviathan: Thomas Hobbes’s Masterpiece of Language, Lewisburg 1991, s. 20–23, 241–249.
R. Prokhovnik, Rhetoric and Philosophy in Hobbes’s Leviathan, London 1991, s. 120–122.
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