Jean de Terrevermeille (Johannes de Terra Rubea) o zasadach sukcesji Korony podług praw fundamentalnych Królestwa Francji
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
monarchizm, monarchia, dziedziczność, elekcyjność, świadomość, doktrynaAbstrakt
The article introduces the issues of monarchist doctrines from the theoretical and historical
perspective. The starting point is the distinction between two types of monarchical consciousness:
spontaneous (pre-reflective), which manifests itself as a sentiment founded on a religious
basis and the feeling of the monarch’s relationship with the sacred, and the doctrinal (theoretical),
which is an answer to the basic question of political philosophy what is the best system.
The theoretical models of monarchism are also related to historical variations of the types of
monarchy. In the course of the argument, it is concluded that although the theory of monarchy
had been developed since antiquity, doctrinal monarchism gained special importance after the
revolutionary „schism of being”, because monarchy, previously considered an obvious and given
form of government, was violently questioned, which forced monarchists to look for arguments
to defend it.
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Liczba wyświetleń i pobrań: 655
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