Henryk Bracton o królu w systemie średniowiecznego prawa angielskiego
https://doi.org/10.12775/DP.2020.012Słowa kluczowe:
Henryk Bracton, De legibus, średniowieczne prawo angielskie, Glanville, Maitland, angielski rojalizm, angielski monarchizm, król pod prawem, princeps legibus solutus, prawo rzymskie w Anglii, przysięga koronacyjnaAbstrakt
‘De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae’ is a first comprehensive book of whole English law properly
understood (even if work attributed to Glanville precedes it in time it still must be judged to
be much inferior). It represents a major turning point in history of English law, point at which
author of this work, to quote Holdsworth, ‘used Roman terms to describe fully English legal system’.
Author of this monumental milestone is called Henry de Bracton, even though today it is
certain that man by that name did not wrote whole of the treatise himself. ‘De legibus’ influenced
not only development of native English legal system but also – perhaps more importantly – that
of English political thought. It is in ‘De legibus’ where many of the most important English political
traditions are first founded – chief among them an idea of ‘king under the law’, a king who
is made by the law, and not the other way around. For this idea to be properly understood a careful
examination of ideas of justice, law itself and government is needed – and when conducted, it
reveals a system much more intricate and complex than one could judge by later use of supposedly
Bractonian ideas. For Bracton, king is chiefly a judge, a dispenser of heavenly justice bound
to his duties by legal contract made during his coronation oath, and when he stops operating according
to these rules (which do not necessarily mirror human, earthly laws) he loses his kingly
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