Filozofia polityczna Cyropedii Ksenofonta
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Ksenofont, Cyropedia, Cyrus Wielki, paideia, enkomion, monarchizm grecki, monarchizm hellenistyczny, myśl greckaAbstrakt
Xenophon’s ‘Cyropaedia’, or ‘The Education of Cyrus’, is the most important literary achievement
on one of the most interesting Socratics. It tells a story of Persian king Cyrus, successful conqueror
and ruler, from his upbringing at the Median court of his grandfather up until his last breath.
‘Cyropaedia’ is however not a biographical account of great monarch’s deeds (although arguments
for that are brought up in the paper), but a work akin to Plato’s ‘Republic’. In his longest
work Xenophon combines characteristic traits of many different genres – a novel, an encomium,
a military treatise and so on – to construct his own unique narrative, and through that narrative
establishes his own idea of a perfect government. Athenian philosopher judiciously weaves a tale
of human nature, divine order and social phenomena to present a powerful argument for aristocratic
monarchy, in which a perfect king (a ‘speaking law’) rules by his own perfect wisdom.
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