Repatriation of Terrorist Fighters – the Macedonian Experience
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
zagraniczni bojownicy terrorystyczni, powracający, oskarżenie, repatriacja, resocjalizacja, rehabilitacja powracających i ich rodzin, foreign terrorist fighters, returnees, incrimination, repatriation, resocialization, reintegration, and rehabilitation of returnees and their familiesAbstrakt
Within the framework of the paper “Repatriation of Terrorist Fighters – the Macedonian Experience”, the authors analyze the beginnings of 2012, when for the first time our country officially faced foreign terrorist fighters, as well as their repatriation. It was only after six years that the two Strategies for the fight against violent extremism and the fight against terrorism were adopted, i.e. in 2018. Namely, a brief review of the incrimination of these criminal acts is carried out, and we focus primarily on the part that follows the process of the return of foreign terrorist fighters and their families to their home country. Here, drawing of conclusions regarding the necessary segments and significant links in the system for an appropriate approach and completeness to deal with this issue is not lagging behind.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Aleksandar Nacev
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