Application of statistical methods in the diagnosis of environmental conditions of development of Lower Silesian voivodship in years 2006–2012
DOI:íčová slova
environmental conditions of regional development, the method of standardised sums, Ward’s methodAbstrakt
The issue addressed in the article focuses on disparities occuring within a region in terms of environmental conditions of development. The article is mainly an attempt to adapt statistical methods for the purpose of monitoring environmental conditions. Within this scope, the method of standardised sums and Ward’s method have been applied. The research results pertaining to Lower Silesian Voivodship suggest that the observed disparities between the best and the worst areas in terms of the quality of natural environment are becoming more deeply embedded. In this respect, zgorzelecki county and the cities of Wrocław and Legnica can be distinguished as particularly problematic, which is crucially affected by the structure and sorts of economic activities conducted within the mentioned areas.
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