Opportunities and restrictions for the local-endogenous development in metropolitan areas of high industrial concentration: the case of Thriasio Pedio in Attica
Greece, Thriasio Pedio, Athens Metropolitan Area, local-endogenous development, industrial districts, local productive systems, innovative and creative milieuAbstract
This paper investigates the development pattern of the urban area of Thriasio Pedio in the metropolitan region of Attica, which is characterised by a high concentration of industrial activities. The local-endogenous development model is discussed in the theoretical review of the paper, in the sense of the local socio-economic system's capacity to transform, react to external challenges, promote awareness and import specific forms of social regulation at the local level. On this ground, the main question of the paper concerns the nature of the area's development and more specifically, whether or not this is defined by endogenous factors (i.e. the operation of locally embedded production systems) along with predetermined exogenous factors (i.e. the allocation of central/metropolitan activities in Thriasio Pedio). The study is supported by the results of a sampling research in representative economic units of the Thriasio Pedio area. The analysis helped us to see whether the various applications of the local-endogenous development pattern, as defined in the paper, are incorporated into the overall productive system of the area. The prerequisites for the reinforcement of the local endogenous capacity were also identified in this analysis.References
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