Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series

Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series

About the Journal

ISSN: 1732-4254
e-ISSN: 2083-8298

Publication in the Journal is free of charge.

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The main aim of the Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series is to present scientific findings in socio-economic geography and related subjects. The journal covers the following fields/area: Social Sciences, Social Structures, Demography and Population Geography, Urban Studies, Planning and Development, Urban Planning and Architecture, Sociology, Social Interaction, Social Anthropology, Social Sciences Other Topics, Architecture and Design, Cultural Studies, Genres and Media in Cultural Studies, General Genre and Media Studies, Geosciences, Geography, Business Economy, Psychology, Public Administration .

The topics of papers published in the BGSS range from theoretical to empirical investigations into: human geography, demography, settlement geography, processes of urbanization and urban settlement systems, urban studies, metropolitan areas, integrated urban and regional development, landscape and rural settlement, spatial organization and territorial planning, regional policy, medical geography, tourism and recreation, economic geography, geography of crime, trade geography, geography of services, political geography, electoral geography, human ecology, sociology, economics dealing with issues of diverse spatial scales - local, regional, national, international.


Journal Indexes

Web of Science - Impact Factor WoS: 2022 (2-years) = 1,100 - 2022 (5- years) = 1,200
Scopus (CiteScore 2023 - 2.1; CiteScoreTracker 2024 – 1,4)
Scopus Document h-index = 23
SNIP 2023 - 0.532
100 points in the evaluation of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Index Copernicus 2022 = 133.16

Journal Subjects

The journal covers the following fields/area: Social Sciences, Social Structures, Demography and Population Geography, Urban Studies, Planning and Development, Urban Planning and Architecture, Sociology, Social Interaction, Social Anthropology, Social Sciences Other Topics, Architecture and Design, Cultural Studies, Genres and Media in Cultural Studies, General Genre and Media Studies, Geosciences, Geography, Business Economy, Psychology, Public Administration .

The topics of papers published in the BGSS range from theoretical to empirical investigations into: human geography, demography, settlement geography, processes of urbanization and urban settlement systems, urban studies, metropolitan areas, geography, planning and development,  cultural studies, integrated urban and regional development, landscape and rural settlement, spatial organization and territorial planning, regional policy, medical geography, tourism and recreation, economic geography, geography of crime, trade geography, geography of services, political geography, electoral geography, human ecology, sociology, economics dealing with issues of diverse spatial scales - local, regional, national, international.


Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index 

Read more about ESCI Thomson Reuters.


This journal has 100 points

Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (since 05 January 2024) read more ...

Rozwój czasopism naukowych: “Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series”

Prof. Daniela Szymańska

25000,00 zł

25000,00 zł

Opis działania:

Celem projektu jest podniesienie poziomu praktyk wydawniczych i edytorskich w czasopiśmie „Bulletin of Geography: Socio-economic Series”, zwiększenie wpływu czasopisma na rozwój nauki oraz utrzymanie się pisma w międzynarodowym obiegu naukowym i bazach naukowych.

Projekt obejmuje:

  1. Wzrost poziomu umiędzynarodowienia czasopisma poprzez publikację artykułów w języku angielskim (tłumaczenie i profesjonalna korekta artykułów publikowanych w języku angielskim).
  2. Zwiększenie dostępności czasopisma dla czytelników i autorów z zagranicy.

Current Issue

No. 67 (2025): March
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025
This issue table of contents