Entrepreneurship of Inhabitants vs. Economic Activity of Large and Medium Enterprises in Rural Areas of Selected Historical Regions of Poland
rural areas, entrepreneurship of inhabitants, large and medium enterprises, historical regions of PolandAbstract
In the past historical periods, each particular region of Poland was developing -- in a sense -- as separate organism; some of them were achieving a relative rise in the economic hierarchy, whereas some other were plunging in backwardness. These disparities have remained very distinctive until today, especially between the rural areas of different parts of the country. The aim of this paper is to determine diversifications of economic development level in four selected regions of Poland (Little Poland -- pol. Małopolska, West Pomerania, Lower Silesia and the Lublin Region), measured as the localisation range and characteristics of big and medium enterprises in rural areas. Another objective was to observe the relation between localisation and characteristics of those enterprises and the general initiative of local inhabitants. The analyses carried out for this paper have served to create a typology of communes, depending on the number of workplaces in big and medium enterprises in this areas, as well as the general initiative of inhabitants, which then enabled the assessment of economic disparities between rural areas of selected Polish regions.References
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