Demographic development of Zachodniopomorskie voivodship in the years 2000-2012 in the light of transportation network accessibility
The area of Zachodniopomorskie voivodship is characterized by specific features, resulting from its position in space. The location of the regional capital Szczecin at the mouth of the River Odra and near the Polish-German border, in the close vicinity of well-developed Nordic countries, and on the outskirts of the region creates special conditions for development. At the same time, the considerable remoteness of most small towns from the capital region and the inadequate network of connections in a natural North-South direction make it difficult to work with the assets of larger centres of development like Szczecin and Koszalin. The present approach is based on Webb's typology for the gminas of Zachodniopomorskie voivodship compared with the analysis of the characteristics of the transportation network. Traffic volume of real transportation network was simulated by using a model based on the idea of intervening opportunities. Two categories of movements were analysed: movements to work and, due to the specificity of the region, tourists' movements.References
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