Spatial differences in the level of population and settlement development in Wielkopolskie voivodship (1)
Population and settlement are among aspects determining the level of socio-economic development. This paper analyses spatial differences in the level of development of the population and settlement in Wielkopolskie voivodship in Poland. The period studied embraces the years 2000-2010 and the units examined are those of the local NUTS 4 level, i.e. poviats. Two modes differing in the reference system were employed for the analysis, which was carried out (a) at the level of the population and settlement development of poviats in Wielkopolskie voivodship against all the poviats in Poland, and (b) again at the level of the population and settlement development of Wielkopolska poviats, but in abstraction from the rest of the country. In each of those reference systems a study was made of (a) the spatial distribution of the development level of Wielkopolskie voivodship in population and settlement terms to identify its growth and stagnation areas by poviat, at the levels of the country and the voivodship, and (b) the development trajectories of those two types of areas over the study period, at the voivodship level. The paper ends in a comparison of the results obtained using the two modes of analysis.References
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