Spatial distribution and differences in migration patterns and revenues of gminas in the Kraków Metropolitan Area
World cities, Kraków, Kraków Metropolitan Area, migration, gmina revenueAbstract
Indicators describing the migration of population and revenues of local administrative units of the Kraków Metropolitan Area are presented and compared in this paper. A review of ideas on how to determine the number of Polish metropolitan statistical areas is also presented. The rank of Polish metropolitan statistical areas in world city rankings made by international publications is examined. Revenues of gminas from their own sources and total revenues of gminas are studied in the paper. Changes in revenue over time and location-dependent differences in revenue are analysed. However, the available data only allow for an examination of gminas without separating urban gminas from rural ones Substantial differences exist in the influx of revenue, both in terms of temporal and spatial changes. In order to summarise and evaluate the relevant social and economic processes, net migration of population and total revenue of gminas in the study area have been analysed. Furthermore, a classification of areas has been developed to describe the relevant areas as being of a certain type.References
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