Differences in seniors' standard of living and their impact on the development of the silver economy across Europe
demography, silver economy, standard of living of seniors, cluster analysis, geographical diversity, European UnionAbstract
Meeting the diverse needs of seniors, a rapidly growing group across the EU, poses a challenge for the silver economy. The heterogenity of this social group stems from both social transformations—such as increased education and financial security—and spatial variations in seniors' living standards. This article explores how these factors influence the development trajectories of the silver economy. It highlights that the evolution of the silver economy will be region-specific rather than uniform, driven by significant differences in seniors' living conditions across Europe. Through cluster analysis, various market segments are identified, leading to tailored recommendations for silver economy strategies. These recommendations address the distinct needs of Scandinavian, Western, and Eastern European seniors, emphasizing the necessity of region-specific approaches to foster effective development in the silver economy.
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