Temporal variability in the tourist traffic volume in Tatra National Park and its determinant
geography, planning & development, tourist traffic volume, weather, Tatra National Park (TNP)Abstract
The article presents the results of research into the reasons for temporal variability in tourist traffic volume in the most visited national park in Poland in 2021 – a record year in terms of visitor numbers. Data on the daily sales of admission tickets were used alongside meteorological data, supported by PS IMAGO PRO software for multiple linear regression analysis. The results demonstrate that the tourist traffic volume did not only depend on the occurrence of weekends, public holidays and the summer holiday season, but also on a number of meteorological factors. The significance of the meteorological factors varied both by month and by day of the week. It was also different at different points of ticket sales, which provided some information about the visitor profiles and weather preferences of tourists choosing particular hiking trails. It was further found that, in summer, tourist traffic increases particularly on the first few days following a period of heavy rain.
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