Improving the energy efficiency of buildings: lessons learned from Poland
geography, planning & development, energy efficiency of buildings, EU climate & energy policy, ROPs 2014–2020, PolandAbstract
The aim of the article is to demonstrate the effects of the distribution and application of EU structural funds on improving the energy efficiency of buildings (IEEB) in the regions of Poland. Conducting detailed analyses, based on data from 3,914 projects co-financed with a total of €1.876 billion under 16 Regional Operational Programs (ROPs) 2014–2020, led to the indentification of similarities and differences with regard to the beneficiaries, the implemented investments, and the spatial distribution of funds. In all regions, a huge disparity was observed in the disbursement of funds in favor of self-government units compared to the other categories of beneficiaries. Considering the investments, thermo-modernization and combination measures dominated, and their regional differentiation is mainly due to the nature and age of the buildings. The largest amounts of subsidies were obtained by cities from northern, western and southern Poland, whereas projects were more numerous though individually smaller in rural areas in central and eastern Poland. The spatial distribution of investments still reflects the post-partition division of Poland. The recommendations developed guide policy thinking for better implementation of IEEB actions within the framework of EU Cohesion Policy.
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