Simplification of real-estate contracts with the Land Administration System: a case study of Poland
geography, planning & development, real estate, Notary Public, legal services & e-services, Land Administration SystemAbstract
This article examines the practicalities of Notaries Public using the Land Administration System for e-service transfer of property ownership. Herein, we use the example of the Polish Integrated Real Estate Information System (IREIS) in the activities of a Notary Public. Good governance and its genesis and IREIS developmental stages are initially assessed with emphasis on the functionality of the system and integration of the databases containing the information needed to prepare for notarial duties. The most important legal provisions applied to the conducting of professional duties by notaries are then discussed. These notably include the provisions of Notary Law and the Civil Code. Notarial tasks were then examined with regard to the possibility and admissibility of using the IREIS to accelerate their activities, decrease delays in essential formalities and minimize associated costs. Conclusions are drawn, and these include the forecast of future innovative solutions by e-service communication.
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