New urban governance as a way of building city resilience to pandemic-caused stress (COVID-19)
city resilience, long-term stress, urban studies, new urban governance model, COVID-19 pandemic, mitigation, reconstructionAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed by governing powers, aimed at limiting the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, have resulted in high social and economic costs and lead to an elevated level of chronic stress, particularly in cities. The study aims to demonstrate an original new urban governance conception and to indicate the possible role of such governance in building city resilience to stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The research proves that new urban governance should primarily include building stronger and more flexible forms of cooperation, engaging highly qualified, interdisciplinary experts to planning and city governing and applying smart technologies in communication and urban governance. What has been also emphasized is different mechanisms of new urban governance when the impact of the pandemic has to be suddenly mitigated and during a long-term reconstruction of the city system towards a stress-resilient city. The study is theoretical in nature and is based on a comprehensive review of the extensive literature on the subject.
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