Exploring user needs in urban plazas: an empirical mixed-method analysis
human needs, urban plaza, user, city dwellers, behavioral geographyAbstract
This research aims to investigate the relationship between humans and the physical area of their activity by identifying the needs of urban plaza users. The study used two research methods – IDI and CAWI survey. A total of 17 needs that are satisfied in urban plazas were identified. Analysis of the frequency of their satisfaction indicates that urban plazas are mainly recreational and leisure spaces. However, it is worth noting that the average ratings of how frequently individual needs were fulfilled differed insignificantly, indicating that urban plazas are highly multifunctional. At the same time, the frequency with which social needs were satisfied was rated relatively low. The survey results also suggest that the satisfied needs in urban plazas vary by gender and personality. The research points to generational changes that affect the fulfillment of differentiated needs depending on user age. A change in the “center of gravity” of the satisfied needs of young people relative to older users of urban plazas is observed.
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