Taming The Wilds: tactical urbanism and creative placemaking in the revitalisation of a nature reserve in Johannesburg, South Africa
geography, planning & development, urban studies, tactical urbanism, creative placemaking & public space, urban revitalisationAbstract
Th e use of tactical urbanism and creative placemaking in the revitalisation of public space has received growing research interest. In Johannesburg, there is evidence of these approaches in the revitalisation of Th e Wilds, a nature reserve located near the inner-city. Th e Wilds experienced neglect and decline due to increased crime. By the mid-2010s, an artist championed the bottom-up revitalisation of Th e Wilds through routine maintenance, the introduction of public art, and events to encourage engagement with the space. Th is study draws on personal communication and semi-structured interviews with key informants and utilises netnography. It was found that the use of public art and social media resulted in an increase in visitor numbers and volunteers who assisted in the maintenance, restoration and engagement with the space. Th e use of tactical urbanism and creative placemaking, however, has brought volunteers into conflict with the city over the usage and co-management of The Wilds.
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