What drives them to drive? Mode choice for holiday travel in Poland and its determinants
holiday travel, tourism geography, multilevel multinomial logit model, modal split & determinants, PolandAbstract
The article presents insights into holiday travel and its determinants in Poland. The purpose of the study was to analyze Polish citizens’ modal split and its determinants. Raw data from a pilot survey conducted in 2015 were used as the source material. To identify the determinants of travel mode choice for holiday trips, a multilevel multinomial logit model was utilized. This approach made it possible to include the hierarchical structure of the data, in which respondents are clustered within municipalities. The results reveal that apart from the decision-maker’s socioeconomic characteristics and household attributes, trip characteristics significantly determine Polish citizens’ choice of holiday travel mode. Moreover, the inclusion of municipality-level predictors substantially improved the accuracy of the model. The analysis revealed that the severity of the environmental consequences of motorized transport perceived by respondents also significantly influences their travel mode choice for holiday trips.
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