The importance of ticket price in public transport in non-metropolitan rural areas in Poland
fare-free public transport, non-metropolitan rural areas, travel decisions, geography-planning and developmentAbstract
The need to move is an inherent feature of every human life. Public transport should be one of the means of transport available to every human being. A fare-free public transport (FFPT) policy is under constant debate. Research among residents in rural areas provides an opportunity to discover whether FFPT is a key element of socially equitable development and understand the role of
price, which can, at the same time, reduce car dependency. This research aims to understand the role of public transport fares in the travel decisions of people living in non-metropolitan rural areas in Poland. The primary data source used in this study is a survey conducted with the residents of 12 peripheral communes. This study revealed that price might not be as crucial in mobility strategies regarding free or paid public transport in non-metropolitan locations. This is mainly due to the poor quality of public transport.
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