Modern conflicts regarding the political status of territories: typological differences, features of spread and prospects for resolution
classification of conflicts, international legal unregulation, political status of territories, territorial-political conflict, border conflict, self-proclaimed states.Abstract
All international conflicts regarding issues of contention about the political status of territories are united by the lack of legitimate power in various places on Earth or the desire to establish such power. A classification of conflicts regarding issues of contention about the political status of territories is proposed in the article. It is shown that the main territorial and political conflicts of modernity are: issues of self-proclaimed states; issues of control over dependent countries; border conflicts over the status of individual islands; and conflicts due to incomplete and disordered decolonization processes. Resolving international conflicts over issues of the contended political status of territories is currently an important task that requires modernization and reformation of the UN Security Council and international law, and confirms the relevance of the research topic addressed in the article.
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