Evaluation of green space systems in small towns of Kyiv region
ecological balanced development, green infrastructure, green plantings, green plantings for public use, level of landscapingAbstract
The current state of landscaping of small towns in Kyiv region, which includes 80% of all cities we analyzed. The difference between the classification of green plantings, which used in Ukraine and the world-wide approach of green infrastructure, is shown. That makes it incorrect to compare the indicators of landscaping of towns in Ukraine with other countries. Based on the data of master plans of towns, the generally accepted indicators of landscaping of urban areas were calculated: provision of greenery per capita and the level of landscaping. These indicators of landscaping for small towns according to different approaches were analyzed. It's is found out that according to the traditional calculation the provision of green plantations exceeds 300 m2 per capita only for 5 % of small towns of the region, and according to the approach of green infrastructure - for 70 %. Provision of green areas for public use meets the established state standards (8-11 m2 per capita) only for 35 % of small towns in the region. Small towns are grouped into four clusters according to the similarity of landscaping indicators, where only the difference in the availability of green plantings of public use was unreliable among the clusters.References
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