Discrepancies in legal classifications as a hindrance to implementing water policy, on the example of Lake Wysokie
water policy, legal classification of lakes, lake ownership, Polish law, interdisciplinary approachAbstract
This article deals with the difficulties arose at the crossways of three areas: application of law, the need to ensure water environment sustainability and the need to take into account social interest. The reason of such situation are impreciselake classification criteria adopted in Polish law. Legal division of lakes has an artificial character and reflects the Polish water management policy, according to which every lake is classified as stagnant or flowing water.This study aims to determine the hydrological type of the Lake Wysokie and its legal status, in order to allow proper application of water policy. The methodology included, among others: field hydrological investigations, geodetic measurements, calculation of evaporation and study of historical cartographic documentation. According to the research results, all the features of the lake and its catchment area clearly indicate the standing nature of the waters.
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