How transport offer affect transit ridership in railway transport system in postosocialist country? A case study of Poland.
public transportation systems, railway transport, transit offer, transport systems, Poland.Abstract
The study examines factors influencing the number of rail passengers in Poland. The subjects of observation were 62 cities with poviat rights. The main factors influencing demand are the number of connections and the speed of trains. Therefore, we developed an original indicator – weighted number of connections, which takes into account the number of rail connections and the speed of trains.
The article can be divided into two main parts: an assessment of the diversification of transport offer and transport demand in spatial terms, and an evaluation of the relationship between the variables. Poland has a large spatial diversity in terms of public rail transport offer and passenger traffic. There are three levels of city hierarchy according to the passenger number indicator: [1] Warsaw, [2] the
largest agglomerations [3] other regional cities. Transport offer was found to have a statistically significant impact on transport demand.
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