The modern concept of Special Economic Zones in Ukraine
special economic zones, regime, innovative investments, new industries, smart specialization of regions, technological diversification.Abstract
Abstract. The article deals with special economic zones as a tool of a state policy of the countries, which are seeking to attract foreign investment and ensure economic growth. The aim of the article is to substantiate the new concept of special economic zones of Ukraine as stimulating regulatory regimes aimed at attracting innovative investments, developing new industries based on the smart specialization of regions and trends in the world economy. The regime is presented as the system of incentives and benefits, mandatory conditions and restrictions, and seeks to increase investment attractiveness, technological diversification of the economy of the regions and the country as a whole. Each component of the regime has been classified, taking into account best practices of other countries and the strategic goals of Ukraine regarding the need to ensure sustainable and innovative development, and to enter the world markets as a manufacturer of high-tech innovative products.
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