Spatial (in)justice and place-based strategies in innovation ecosystems: the case of the Alexander Innovation Zone in Thessaloniki
spatial justice, place-based, decentralisation, multi-level governance, innovationAbstract
The concept of spatial justice relates to the fair and equitable distribution in space of socially valued resources and opportunities. In other words, spatial justice is the spatial dimension of social justice, placing more emphasis on the geography of distribution. On this basis, this paper examines the innovation ecosystem of the Alexander Innovation Zone of Thessaloniki in Greece. What is attempted is to scrutinise, through the lens of spatial justice, this state’s initiative to deal at the regional level with innovation. This paper investigates whether a focus on localities and decentralisation would be better able to deliver the demands of spatial justice. The hypothesis to be tested is that equity in socially valued resources and opportunities can be better achieved through place-based strategies. Based upon empirical material, within the framework of the RELOCAL project (H2020,, this contribution attempts to shed some light on the aforementioned research hypothesis.
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