Evaluation of enterprise investment attractiveness under circumstances of economic development
Investment attractiveness, Investment potential, Investment evaluation, Economic development, Investment risksAbstract
This article introduces a step-by-step methodology for evaluating an enterprise's investment attractiveness in the context of economic development, using appropriate valuation parameters at macro, meso and micro levels. A system of indicators of macro-level investment attractiveness has been formed based on the criteria of socio-economic and legal attractiveness and investment risks. The indicators for assessing investment attractiveness of the industry have been grouped by the criteria of: prospects of the industry, positioning of the enterprise in the industry market, and sectoral investment risks. The indicators of investment attractiveness have been systematised with the use of three-dimensional current and operational analysis, as well as the method of risk assessment, which helped to determine the area of reaction to risk zones of the enterprise’s investment potential. The research allowed us to assess the position of a company in the market and to predict the risks of investing in the chemical industry.
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