Slovakia and the Czech Republic on the path towards Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development, the 2030 Agenda, SDG Index, Indicators for SDG, Urban Development, Sustainable Development of Slovak Republic, Sustainable Development of Czech Republic.Abstract
The objective of this contribution is to identify, on the basis of an empirical content analysis of documents, the results of fulfilling the 2030 Agenda in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in terms of their global responsibility for fulfilling development goals, by identifying indicators for each of the 17 goals of the 2030 Agenda. This was based on selective research in terms of the selected pilot indicator for each goal of Agenda 2030. These selected indicators were chosen because they best represented the social, economic and territorial problems of the countries surveyed. Their fulfilment is therefore the most important part of fulfilling the complex Sustainable Development Goals. Then a selective and complex relational comparison of the analysed countries in terms of their performance in implementation will be performed on the basis of data obtained using the SDG index. The outcome of the paper is a specification of the surveyed countries’ prospects for meeting all the examined aspects of the SDG by 2030 by an arithmetic expression of their potential to reach 100% in the surveyed indicators. This paper is part of the solution of Project VEGA no. 1/0302/18 “Smart Cities as a possibility for implementation of the concept of Sustainable Urban Development in the Slovak Republic”.
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