The level of Polish youth champions’ temperamental qualities in football
temperament, football, sports training, EAS-DAbstract
There are many factors which contribute to a successful sports career in football. One of the most important ones is players’ comprehensive preparation which consists of motor, technico-tactical and psychical components. The study focuses on a selected psychical aspect and more precisely on the temperamental features that describe and explain relationship between a man and environment.
The aim of the study was to determine and compare the level of highly qualified young footballers’ temperamental properties in relation to those of the average people of the same age. The subject of the research was 31 players of the Lech Poznań club (Polish champions U-17 from 2016). The research was carried out using the EAS-D questionnaire which consists of five scales: dissatisfaction, fear, anger, activity and sociability.
In the conducted study, there was a statistically significant differentiation of the results between the respondents and the average people at the level of two temperamental traits such as fear (a lower score in football players) and activity (a higher score in tested football players compared to the average people of the same age).
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