Electromyostimulation as an element supporting sports training
electrical muscle stimulation, sport, counter movement jump, muscle strength, elektrostymulacja mięśni, skok z zamachem, siła mięśniAbstract
Purpose: The aim of the publication is to present the possibilities associated with the use of skeletal muscle electrostimulation as an element supporting sports training. The advantage of this form of training is the performance of specific work by select muscle, especially in less experienced players who can’t isolate a particular muscle during exercise. The electric impulse causes synchronous activation of the muscle contraction in the standard and reproducible conditions, resulting in a much higher level of muscle activity over time.
Design / methodology / approach: The effect of muscle electrostimulation on muscle tissue and physiological changes, on the improvement of motor features and the EMS equation for sports training was discussed.
Findings: EMS improves the jumping ability (Maffiuletti, Cometti et al. 2000), the maximum muscle strength has also increased (Maffiuletti, Bramanti et al. 2009). Short-term stimulation of low-frequency muscles dramatically shortens the time of getting a contraction. After prolonged stimulation, this result is improved, but it is slower than in the initial phase (Heilmann and Pette 1979). A series of suitable treatments leads to the enlargement of the area of the muscle section, a significant increase in the maximum strength and increase in muscle activation (Gondin, Guette et al. 2005, Kästner, Braun et al. 2015). Recently, it has been shown that EMS regenerates skeletal muscle by reducing the oxidative status in satellite cells muscle hypertrophy and the formation of new myofibrils (Di Filippo, Mancinelli et al. 2017). EMS as a sports training is similar to 4-fold longer training with high intensity exercises (Kemmler, Teschler et al. 2016).
Research and practical limitations / implications: Due to reports that EMS affects muscle regeneration, you can use this method as part of wellness during the journey, when other forms are not available or as a short-term training.
Originality / value: In summary, a properly selected series of skeletal muscle electrostimulation may affect muscle strength, muscle mass, jumping, speed and endurance as well as changing the structure of muscle fibers.
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