Operative game monitoring as a fundamental for a football players efficiency evaluation
monitoring, evaluation, operative monitoring, effectiveness, football, monitorowanie, ewaluacja, monitoring operacyjny, efektywność, piłka nożnaAbstract
Operative monitoring of the game means objective and regular, based on the rules, observation of the game. The groundwork of the observation makes the basis of the evaluation players’ actions. According to the existing threats which come from the regular, commonly used analysis and evaluation of actions on team games, the authors want to present the innovative tool which allows monitoring and evaluation of actions and therefore raises the level of effectiveness of the teams. The use of this innovative tool is presented on the two examples of the teams: one from the best polish league (“Ekstraklasa”) and one from 5th polish division team. The applied method fulfills its aims, allows the individual evaluation of the players and also actives players to do as much as they could to raise up the score of the whole game. This method determines the authors to prepare another method for individual reward of the players.
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