Rating preferred predisposition personal trainer
personal trainer, personal training, abilities, traits, skills coach, authority, trener personalny, trening personalny, predyspozycje, cechy, kompetencje trenera, autorytetAbstract
Services provided by personal trainers in Poland are becoming more popular. The legal situation of this professional group in Poland is unregulated, which creates many doubts about the competence and suitability personal trainer.
The essence of the work presented in the study is to determine the changes in terms of perception of competence coach, taking place in recent years. The research was conducted in 2009 and repeated in 2015 in fitness clubs coming in Lower Silesia.
The study involved 240 respondents, including 72 women and 168 men.
Research results indicate that over the years, the number of people regularly using the services of a coach nearly doubled. The significant number of people for whom the profession of coaching combined with better and better assessment of the social and his authority continues to grow. 67.5% of respondents think that the coach should be well built and have mixed personality traits.
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